Serialization of PI misses ending question mark

The ED says in section 9.4:
> If current node is a ProcessingInstruction
>     Append the literal string <? (U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN, U+003F QUESTION MARK), followed by the value of current node's target IDL attribute, followed by a single U+0020 SPACE character, followed by the value of current node's data IDL attribute, followed by a single U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character ('>').
It should rather say:
> If current node is a ProcessingInstruction
>     Append the literal string <? (U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN, U+003F QUESTION MARK), followed by the value of current node's target IDL attribute, followed by a single U+0020 SPACE character, followed by the value of current node's data IDL attribute, followed by the literal string ?> (U+003F QUESTION MARK, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN).

Best regards,


Received on Saturday, 19 September 2009 17:07:10 UTC