Re: what is dt?

Shelley wrote:
> Yes, I think that, among our other concerns, we can also include a  
> concern about the mnemonics of dt/dd in Figure.

I agree that it feels counterintuitive to use <dt>/<dd> inside  
<figure> but, IMHO, it does make sense inside <details> simply because  
the word "details" begins with a letter D — just as dt/dd made sense  
inside <dialog> when that element existed.

So if we're going to discuss either:
a) finding a better element to recycle for captioning <figure>s or
b) creating a new element for captioning <figure>s,
I think it would be good to keep <details> out of the discussion.

Jeremy Keith

a d a c t i o

Received on Thursday, 17 September 2009 08:43:23 UTC