Re: Change back the semantics of <cite>

Smylers On 09-09-11 00.16:

> Leif Halvard Silli writes:

>>  <dialog><dt><cite>Leif</cite>, HTMLwg member
>>                 <dd>I propose <dl dialog> instead
>> </dialog>

> Having an element for marking up the titles of works is useful because
> they are usual formatted distinctly (typically italicized) in text, to
> convey to readers that the title is not 'normal' text.  Conveying that
> requires _some_ element.
> Whereas people, even when sources, do not typically have their names
> distinguished.  So using a <cite> for both prevents it from being able
> to convey anything useful

OK -  I see that you have a valid concern w.r.t use of <cite> 
outside dialog list containers.

But you are entirely wrong when you say that having <cite> for 
both "person sources" and "work sources" would prevent it from 
being able to convey any useful.

Ever heard about the class attribute? Or perhaps <cite> needs the 
role attribute? Isn't <code> any useful since it can be used for 
all kinds of code? Should we rather have one code element for each 
language so that the author more easily could use a separate color 
for each language?

Filing bug 7508, I first had the thought that I had finally found 
a good use case for the <name> element. And, depending on its 
semantics, <name> could probably be useful in dialogs - perhaps it 
could let us discern  "pimpbot" and "trackbot" from you and me in 
the minutes of the  HTMLwg telcon meeting, for instance ... My 
favorite author said that all books should have a name index that 
simply listed all names mentioned in the book.  So <name> could be 
useful enough. But it is orthogonal (finally I took that word in 
my mouth) to <cite>.
leif halvard silli

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2009 23:58:06 UTC