Re: Accessibility Task Force

Chaals wrote:

> I would actually expect an accessibility task force in W3C to be formally
> required to get agreement from WAI (presumably WAI-PF since that's the
> relevant group) on decisions.

I would too.

> Some informal "well, we talked to a couple of guys from PF and they agreed"
> doesn't strike me as good enough (there are already specific examples of
> people whose sense of what is reasonable not being in accordance with the
> expressed opinion of PF...)
>> Would this address the concerns?
> No. I think there needs to be the check of formal sign-off (and therefore
> some pushing to make sure that process is helpful in getting improvements,
> not just some process albatross).

PFWG's agreement and formal sign off is prudent if we want HTML 5 to
become a W3C Recommendation without accessibility related formal

PF's mission and scope of work includes: "Assuring the accessibility
qualities of the technologies as specified in W3C Specifications". [1]

The HTML5 Charter states: "The HTML Working Group will cooperate with
the Web Accessibility Initiative to ensure that the deliverables will
satisfy accessibility requirements." [2]

Let's cooperate with PF and work jointly together with them to obtain
official assurance that HTML5 indeed satisfies accessibility

Thank you Janina, Michael, and all of PF for your efforts to develop
PF's HTML5 Caucus [3] into a formal joint task force to facilitate

Joint Task Forces were named as a collaboration tool in an earlier
accessibility proposal [3] [4]. A joint PF/HTML TF would be a big step
in the right direction.

Best Regards,


Laura L. Carlson

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2009 19:43:53 UTC