HTML Accessibility Task Force: Call for Participation

I'm pleased to announce that we have identified the co-facilitators for
the HTML Accessibility Task Force[1]. Janina Sajka will be the
facilitator from the Protocols and Formats Working Group, and I'll be
the facilitator from the HTML Working Group.


With the facilitators in place, we are prepared to begin activity in the
task force. This is a general invitation to members of the PFWG and HTML
WG to join. Instructions to join are in the task force work statement[2];
in brief:

   1. Make sure you are registered as a member of the HTML WG at

   2. Contact Michael Cooper <> or me and ask to be
      added to the task force.


Joining the task force will automatically subscribe you to the task force
mailing list. We will send further information out to that list soon.


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Sunday, 8 November 2009 06:26:30 UTC