ARIA integration in HTML 5

Moving beyond the summary attribute dispute to something I consider
much more important.

ARIA integration in HTML 5, to date there is no mention of ARIA in the
HTML 5 spec, I understand that the editor is waiting for ARIA last
call comments before proceeding, but there is already  1 complete
implementation in IE 8 and 1 pretty much complete implementation in
Firefox, while many of the features of HTML 5 have not been
implemented in any browsers as yet, so i don't understand why work
cannot start.

One lesson we can take from the summary attribute, is that in order to
progress with ARIA we need a modified process.
summary is one attribute, which has taken up countless hours of peoples time.
ARIA has 60 odd attributes and a role attribute with 60 odd values. If
we (the html working group) deal with ARIA the same way as the summary
attribute, it will be unworkable.

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium |
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

Received on Friday, 26 June 2009 08:54:31 UTC