Re: PROPOSAL: Procedure to Promote Progress With Accessibility Issues in HTML5

Steven Faulkner wrote:
> ian wrote:
>>I am still hopeful that the WAI will clearly identify
>>accessibility functional requirements and provide rationale. Is there any
>>chance the WAI could provide an ETA for such advice on this topic?
> this email answers your question as to what is going on and ETA

I appreciate the focus on a concrete solution.

> I am unsure at this time what form the output of the work on canvas will 
> take.
> It may well be that an alternative 'spec ready' version of the current 
> CANVAS API is produced, as this is what sam ruby has been encouraging 
> people to do.

Just so that everybody is clear on what I have been encouraging[1], I 
will repeat it:

     If this means more specifications each purporting to be HTML 5
     with a survival of the fittest determining which one advances,
     I'm OK with that.  Better would be more documents with clear
     divisions of labor.  Best would be cooperation.

It is fully understandable that at this point in time you don't know 
what form the output of the work on canvas will take.  I would suggest 
that this also means that you can't rule out producing something that 
Ian will find acceptable.  My suggestion is that we don't spend cycles 
at this time exploring hypothetical situations.  Instead focus on 
producing a compelling proposal.  Once that's done, things might simply 
fall into place.  If not and there are road blocks, I will work with you 
to resolve the issue.

> regards
> stevef

- Sam Ruby


Received on Sunday, 19 July 2009 17:31:11 UTC