Re: video: earliest possible position changes

On Wed, 19 Aug 2009, Simon Pieters wrote:
> The spec says in
> "When the earliest possible position changes,"
> Is it considered to be changed when going from unknown to known?

For the sake of argument let's say yes. I don't think you can really tell 
either way, though.

> "then: if the current playback position is before the earliest possible 
> position, the user agent must seek to the earliest possible position;"
> What is the reason for seeking here? When would this happen? If you're 
> paused, surely you don't want to seek?

This is intentional. It's to make sure the current position can never be 
before the start of the seek bar. (Consider what happens if you pause a 
live stream on a TiVo and wait for the current position to exit the 
buffer. The behaviour you see is exactly what is described here.)

> "otherwise, if the user agent has not fired a timeupdate event at the 
> element in the past 15 to 250ms, then the user agent must queue a task 
> to fire a simple event called timeupdate at the element."
> Is this to make sure that progress bars show the right start time?


Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Sunday, 30 August 2009 01:27:28 UTC