Re: HTML5-warnings - request to publish as next heartbeat WD

[ deleted cc to whatwg to make Ian happy ]

John Foliot On 09-08-09 23.59:

> Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>> If we indeed have a draft, then I'd like to have the option to vote
>> yes or no on either draft independently, instead of either-or. For
>> example, some people may wish to vote for both, and I would like to
>> have that opportunity, though I would probably only exercise it if
>> Manu's draft is changed. Sam's call for multiple drafts was based on
>> the premise that they would be published independently, not that we'd
>> have either-or votes.
> I agree.  At this time there is no harm in having 2 efforts being
> recognized as serious proposals, and in fact that may be a good thing.
> "Say that you can do X, Y or Z" instead of "Don't do X"...


>> If you limit your list to open issues that have been unresolved for at
>> least 6 months without meaningful progress (with reference to an issue
>> tracker issue, or a mailing list post, dating back at least 6 months)
>> and if you remove the other (seemingly unintended) technical
>> differences from Ian's draft (such as adding back the Database
>> section), then I will support publication of your draft in addition to
>> Ian's.
> +1   Sharing the load is a Good Thing (tm)

leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 9 August 2009 22:38:32 UTC