Re: <style scoped> and semi-transparent content models

On Aug 22, 2008, at 02:28, Ian Hickson wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> The permitted contexts of <style scoped> and the content models of
>> <object>, <video> and <audio> seem to be in conflict or at least  
>> subject
>> to interpretation.
>> <style scoped> contexts:
>> "If the scoped attribute is present: where prose content is  
>> expected, but
>> before any sibling elements other than style elements and before  
>> any text
>> nodes other than inter-element whitespace."
>> <video> content model:
>> "If the element does not have a src attribute: one or more source  
>> elements,
>> then, transparent."
>> <object> content model:
>> "Zero or more param elements, then, transparent."
>> So what are the conformance requirements for the relative order of
>> <source> (or <param>) and <style scoped>? Or should "transparent" be
>> read to imply that <style scoped> isn't allowed there? (If that's the
>> case, there are <ins>/<del> repercussions, too. Sigh.)
>> (FWIW, requiring <source>s or <param>s to come before <style scoped>
>> makes the simplest RELAX NG schema, but I know that's not the main
>> consideration here.)
> I've tried to make this less ambiguous -- let me know if the new text
> still needs work.

I think it still needs work. I'm still unable to determine whether is supposed to  

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2008 10:57:30 UTC