4.3 Source fallback

In http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2008Sep/att-0118/html5-media-accedssibility.html

DW Singer et al. wrote:

> 4.3 Source fallback
> As noted above, the addition of 'meets accessibility needs' to the source
> element selection raises the possibility that no source will be acceptable,
> and currently the HTML5 spec. provides no fallback for this case (possibly
> because it's not obvious where to put it). This is an open question: is it
> needed, and if so, where should it go?

To respond explicitly to this point -- yes, page-level fallback is needed.

It isn't the best way to do accessibility, but it is better than nothing, and
there are times when the original media can't be edited.  This might be
because it is on another server, or because of copyright constraints, or
just because the author doesn't know how; the point is that the case will
arise, and better non-HTML tools will never make it go away entirely.

I personally think a final <source> element is a fine location; the final
source element does not need to specify media or type, but I suppose
type of text/html is fine for use as a fallback.


Received on Saturday, 13 September 2008 01:56:57 UTC