Re: Is longdesc a good solution?

CC: - (this isn't relevant for them at all)

On 6 Sep 2008, at 13:22, Laura Carlson wrote:

> - Attending teleconferences

Per our charter technical discussion primarily happens on public-html.  
Why should I spend my money attending a teleconference?

> - Participating in discussions on list and at teleconferences

OK, fair enough.

> - Defining and tracking issues
> - Gathering information
> - Providing rationale

As far as I can see more or less everyone has been doing all three of  

> - Seeking PF's advice

It seems sane to have one or two people acting as links between WGs,  
but we aren't chartered to blindingly follow their advice. We do not  
have to follow it, even if you'd like us to.

> - Researching and testing
> - Fulfilling actions
> - Posting results to the list

And again, everyone has been doing this…

There is no clear consensus either way.  I have not seen the editor  
actually make a decision, nor write either side off.

On 26 Aug 2008, at 09:44, Ian Hickson wrote:

> But the whole point is here that I haven't "decided" yet either. I  
> haven't
> even carefully looked at the feedback yet.

Geoffrey Sneddon

Received on Saturday, 6 September 2008 18:31:40 UTC