Re: What namespace features popular SVG tools really emit (ISSUE-37)

On Wed, 03 Sep 2008 19:24:57 +0200, Dailey, David P.  
<> wrote:
> Okay, I'm easy to convince. I've usually not put DOCTYPE's in my SVG  
> since someone who presumably knew what they were talking about told me  
> it was a bad idea. To me DOCTYPE's and namespaces are all magic -- just  
> tell me what to do and please don't change the rules too often.

Yeah, avoiding DOCTYPEs is probably good. Henri wrote in his thesis why  
DTDs are a bad idea:

(The specific problem here is what he calls "Infoset Augmentation".)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2008 20:47:01 UTC