Re: About video & audio elements

Le 1 sept. 08 à 17:50, Lachlan Hunt a écrit :
> You are reinventing a video container format, without all the  
> advantages of having the streams muxed together in a single file,  
> and then depending on the ability of a player to play multiple files  
> simultaneously and in sync.  That's not going to work.

Video on Internet is quite new and maybe (and I really hope) one day  
someone will provide a video with multiple tracks. If this person want  
to publish a video with 3-4 audio tracks, how the browser will handle  
the streams ? Will he download the audio tracks simultaneously (in  
this case I think it's an huge waste of bandwidth) or will he be  
enough clever to download the played track only (so, in this case less  
bandwidth and a little lag when changing language).

I think Maurice think about it and also about the video over the year.  
If someone like very very much a video and decide to sub it in his  
language how will he do ? He will have to send the subs to the user  
and wait he mux the file ? Muxing a file for adding a track isn't easy  
(if I remember well adding a track using MKVmerge don't work as good  
as expected) and there is always the upload process which will waste a  
lot of time for the user.

Nicolas LE GALL

Received on Monday, 1 September 2008 16:59:54 UTC