Re: <q>

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Sam Kuper <> wrote:
> Let me re-emphasise: neither
> <p>"<q>I'm tired of this,</q>" he said.</p>
> nor
> <p><q>"I'm tired of this,"</q> he said.</p>
> are constructions that should be forced upon anyone who wishes to use the
> <q> element. They both feature redundancies, and it is not clear which is
> "correct" (which is one reason I think neither of them are).
> <p><q>I'm tired of this,</q> he said.</p>
> is a far more elegant solution, for the reasons expressed in my previous
> emails in this thread.

Er, which of the following is "correct"? (ok, no "redundancy" here, but still)
<p><q>I'm tired of this,</q> he said.</p>
<p><q>I'm tired of this</q>, he said.</p>

Thomas Broyer

Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2008 19:17:29 UTC