Re: Error handling for SVG and MathML in HTML

Erik Dahlström wrote on 03/19/2008 05:08:25 AM:
> I think it's not up to the HTML spec to specify what happens if the error

> occurs in the SVG itself, for example what happens if there are unknown
> elements in unexpected locations in the svg, or how invalid attribute
> values should be treated.
> What's in scope for the html spec IMHO is to define how to produce the
> DOM tree when found inline in an html document. Possibly also to define
> what should be shown in case the SVG DOM tree is broken somehow, and to
> define how svg fragments may interact with each other and with
> HTML in the cases where that hasn't been defined in SVG.


> I agree that nothing should prevent you from using correct SVG fragments

> inline in html.

Agree in principle, but "nothing" is too strong.  Requiring HTML to support
"<!ENTITY>" may not be necessary or appropriate.


- Sam Ruby

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2008 12:07:41 UTC