Re: Point of Extensibility

Hi, Eirik-

Eirik Mikkelsen wrote (on 4/3/08 9:55 AM):
> This is my first post to this list, and I've just been pondering this
> problem for a few hours.

Welcome to the deep end of the pool.  :)

>  - Easy for authors to understand, even if the syntax is a bit ugly

If by the syntax, you mean the element names, those aren't necessarily 
the real names. <fallback> could be <alt>, or whatever.  We'll need to 
survey all the element names in the wild, and choose the shortest, most 
distinctive and easily understood one available.

> Here's an example:
> <div id="myMathFallback">2x</div>
> <!--[if accept text/mathml]>
>   <math xmlns="">
>      <mn>2</mn>
>      <mi>x</mi>
>   </math>
>   <script type="text/javascript">
>      document.getElementById('myMathFallback').style.display = 'none';
>   </script>
> <![endif]-->

My immediate concern with this (besides the fact that I think it looks 
klunky) is that inline comment blocks in the content will break it.

<!--[if (accept text/mathml) & (accept image/svg+xml)]>
   <svg xmlns="">
      <ellipse cx="300" cy="150" rx="200" ry="80"/>
      <path d="M0,10 C100,10 120,50"/>

It would require extra sanitization on the part of authors.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2008 14:59:54 UTC