Re: The only name for the xml serialisation of html5

Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>> I have no special hang-up on whether we say 'HTML 5 html' or 'HTML 5 text'. Or whether we say 'HTML 5 xml' or 'HTML 5 application'. The important thing is that we should say 'HTML 5' and then add a qualifyer after that to signify whether we refer to the format «based on XML» or the «custom format inspired by SGML».
Again, you are attempting to make the spec more complex than it needs to be.

When a client asks a web designer what technology they use for creating 
web sites, do you expect the designer to say:
"well sir, we use 'HTML 5 text' on most of our sites, and sometimes we 
use 'HTML 5 application' on others".

Wouldn't it be easier just to say "we use HTML5".
And if the client asks "but what about that XHTML language I've heard so 
much about?"
Then the designer can just say "Yes sir, we use XHTML5 as well, when 

Dean Edridge

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2007 03:33:30 UTC