Re: HTML 5 and Distributed Extensibility

On 9/26/07, Lachlan Hunt <> wrote:
> No, RDFa doesn't actually solve anything.

How can you make a statement like that? I am working in a project
right now where RDFa solves a lot of problems for over a 100
government organizations.

> It's an over-engineered,
> ivory tower spec that was developed in the hope that some "killer app"
> would eventually come along in the future to save it.  That's backwards!
> Solutions should be developed to solve real problems in existing
> applications, not theoretical problems in hypothetical applications.

The rise of shows (at least for me) that there is a
need to express more in a (X)HTML document.



Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2007 14:32:14 UTC