Re: Proposal for Keyboard Shortcuts for HTML5

On 9/20/07 7:03 AM, "Maciej Stachowiak" <> wrote:

> For traditional desktop UAs that they add a menu to their menu bar or
> a toolbar, with a name like "Commands", "Shortcuts", "Page Shortcuts"
> or similar, which includes the commands with their labels and the
> keyboard shortcuts assigned by the UA. Check or radio commands could
> create check or radio menu items.

Personally I care more about this part of the proposal than the actual
'keyboard shortcut key' aspect. In Windows, KDE & GNOME desktop environments
it's very quick and easy to access a menu item using alt+arrows+letter and
users of assistive software are probably already familiar with this type of
interaction with menus in every other app (I doubt blind people use mouse).

If the option is available in my browser I'd disable the assignment of
keyboard shortcuts defined in the document and just use the menu built from
those shortcut definitions.

I already have too many mixed up shortcuts from various Firefox extensions.

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Received on Monday, 24 September 2007 13:57:28 UTC