scripting as fallback (was: Re: New elements vs. Trident)

Robert Burns wrote

> Asking authors who may have no need to use
> scripting to use scripting to implement HTML5
> will be a recipe for disaster.

Generally, yes.  But it could work if the workarounds are provided by  If all they have to do is add

<script src="">

to the header, that might be OK.

> I think its less of a problem to ask authors who
> are  already scripting to fork their scripts for
> different UAs to make use of HTML5.

The end result of that path is that the non-MSIE scripts aren't
actually maintained, so that Safari and Opera (and sometimes even
Firefox) are worse off than before; they can't even do client-side


Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2007 18:49:48 UTC