Re: Proposal for <figure> graceful degradation

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> In Firefox 2 and IE7, the legend element does not occur within the 
> figure and it is given the special default styling.

Right.  That was Maciej's post about the autoclosing behavior when a block is 
placed inside an unknown element (which is treated as an inline in the HTML 
sense in Gecko).

> Additionally, in Firefox, if the fieldset doesn't have its own legend, 
> the figure's legend is visually moved to the top of the fieldset, to the 
> normal position.

Right.  Since in the DOM the <legend> is a direct child of the <fieldset> in 
your testcase in Gecko, it's treated like any other <legend> would be that is a 
chilf of a <fieldset>.


Received on Sunday, 16 September 2007 19:11:29 UTC