Re: headers= and rowgroup

On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 16:39:50 +0200, Leif Halvard Silli <>  
> Please quote. I don't see anything that can be interpreted like that.

I quoted the definition of rowgroup before.

>> I'm not sure what the meaning of many features in HTML4 is when used in
>> non-typical ways. The specification is not really useful.
> It is not really useful to not want to make sense of it. And also, the  
> HTML5 draft does not say that rowgroup cannot be applied to THEAD/TFOOT.  
> So what would the improvement be?

The HTML5 algorithm is not yet good enough, but at least it's clear what  
it implies.

> The HTML5 draft isn't anymore spesific than HTML4 about which direction  
> scope="rowgroup" and scope="colgroup" goes. [...]
>>       If [TH] is in the row group state [...] let (1, groupy) be the
>>       slot at which the row group is anchored, let height be the
>>       number of rows in the row group, and assign the header cell
>>       to any data cells anchored at slots with coordinates (datax,
>>       datay) where headerx ≤ datax ≤ xmax and headery ≤ datay <
>>       groupy+height
> I am not sure if have got this part of the algorithm 100% correcty, but  
> my understanding is that the phrase «headerx ≤ datax ≤ xmax» tells which  
> _direction_ a header in «the row group state» has - namely horisontal  
> direction.

You completely read over the bit where it talks about "height" and  
"headery" for some reason.

> Why has that change been drafted?

HTML5 is written from scratch. (As in, it's not HTML4 + changes. And as  
such it may contain inconsistencies with HTML4 that are either desirable  
or not.)

> «rowgroup simply works»? Well, it «it simply works» in the Table  
> Inspector. I hope we can make into a tool we can trust.

I'm not sure that's possible for HTML4 given the lack of a proper  
specification. It's not entirely clear to me what you mean with "trust"  
either. The tool is open source and everyone can simply fork their own  

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 14:53:53 UTC