Re: 3.7.4. The link element (Spec Review)

On Sep 4, 2007, at 3:24 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
> Julian Reschke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> below a few comments with respect to Section 3.7.4 (<http:// 
>> ...
> I just noticed that the "rev" attribute seems to be gone; why?

Probably because it was always difficult to understand and almost
always used incorrectly even when it was used.  It is far easier
to understand an inverted relationship name, e.g.

    rel="child"  <==>  rev="parent"
    rev="child"  <==>  rel="parent"

Both rel uses are obvious.  The same relationship expressed as
rev requires twice as much thinking to understand, and is usually
mistaken because nobody expects a single character to reverse the
meaning of mark-up.


Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2007 18:01:17 UTC