Re: aria vs html5 (was: ARIA States and Properties Meeting)

On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 20:10:53 +0200, Jim Jewett <>  
> Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:
>> If HTML5 were to be supported
>> by all vendors ARIA would not even be needed.
> Could you explain that?

HTML5 provides most widgets natively which the browser can then expose to  
assistive technology in some way. So there's no need for the author to  
implement them by him- or herself and set ARIA attributes on state changes  
etc. accordingly.

> If the html spec simply states:
>     Attribute names starting with "aria-" are
>     reserved for use by the ARIA specification.
>     These are typically used to improve accessibility.
> ...
>     role attribute values starting with "aria-" are
>     reserved for use by the ARIA specification.
>     These are typically used to improve accessibility.
> I think that will cover it.

Yes. Although I'm not convinced the other uses of role= make sense. I'm  
also not sure if overloading role= to do both ARIA and those other things  
makes sense.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2007 18:26:46 UTC