Re: width='' and height='' on <video>

On 10/10/07 4:52 AM, "Henri Sivonen" <> wrote:

> Regarding IRC logs from yesterday:
> The <video> element currently lacks width and height attributes on
> the grounds that:
>   1) They'd be presentational.
>   2) YouTube and the like put all videos in the same box.
>   3) Different dimensions are called for different media, so the
> <div><style scoped media='...'> video { width: ...; height: ...; } </
> style><style scoped media='...'> video { width: ...; height: ...; } </
> style><video>...</video></div> would encourage media-independence
> while <video width='...' height='...'>...</video> would not.
> And, yet, for *practical* purposes, authors seem to *expect* to have
> width and height attributes at their disposal. (Based on expectations
> voiced on IRC.) I suggest adding width and height attributes to <video>.

<video style="width:320px; height:240px; border:2px solid #036;
margin:16px;"> wouldn't work?

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Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 14:21:29 UTC