Re: HTML 5 Authoring Guidelines Proposal the use of the section element and its potential impact on

In my humble opinion, it seems like the use of h1-h6 headers is much easier for an author to wrap their head around then deriving structure of the a section & header combination.

With the H1-H6 headers, it's easer for a human to read the code and infer what the structure of the document is.  It's much harder to read through nested section elements.

That and practically I could see the section tag being abused just as much as the div tag.  

I don't understand what we get by adding it.

- justin

Justin Thorp
US Library of Congress
Web Services - Office of Strategic Initiatives
e -
p - 202/707-9541

>>> Joshue O Connor <> 11/28/2007 9:33:41 AM >>>

Ben Boyle wrote:
>> > However my worry about using generic elements is exactly  that the
>> > inferred structure or the ability to infer structure could be lost. At
>> > least having h1-h6 gave the author a ready made "semantic toolkit"
>> > a generic element takes that away IMO.
> I agree that has a use. I'm just confused by the potential conflict
> for the between the heading level explicitly defined by the h1-h6 tags
> vs the inferred heading level based on their placement within nested
> sections of a document. Which has precedence?

Thanks for the comment Ben, and your interesting question.

Answers on a postcard please.



Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2007 16:51:05 UTC