How to Contribute to the HTML5 Guide

   In order to help organise people's contributions to the Web 
Developer's Guide to HTML 5, I have set up a wiki page with some 
instructions on how to contribute.

Of course, any feedback can mailed to public-html or 
public-html-comments and it will be taken into consideration.  But for 
those of you who wish to take a more active role and contribute prose to 
the guide, you should make use of the wiki.

Feel free to help improve the organisation of the page, write more 
contribution guidelines, make adjustments to the template where 
appropriate, and create pages for sections you want to work on.  Just 
try to keep it as organised as possible.  Once these pages mature a bit, 
I will start to incorporate the suggestions into the guide.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Saturday, 24 November 2007 12:23:19 UTC