Re: HTML 5 Authoring Guidelines Proposal

While I think it's great that we're taking the initiative on things like this,   can we put together a requirements document for this?  I think it'd be good to outline the goals, scope, and users, otherwise we could find ourselves in needless discussion.  This was discussion I'd hoped we'd discuss in the Task Force that Karl had proposed.

Other comments are... I really don't think this document should be in the technical report style and format.  All of the TR front-matter and style scares off our users.  We found this when we did studies with the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative.  This document should be just an article on the Web site so that our users actually read it.

I agree with Charles.  The word serialisations is not user friendly.  Not many outside of the W3C use terminology like serialisation.  (Confession: I wasn't clear on it till after I read this.)

- justin thorp

Justin Thorp
US Library of Congress
Web Services - Office of Strategic Initiatives
e -
p - 202/707-9541
>>> Lachlan Hunt <> 11/22/07 8:56 PM >>>

   I thought it would be worthwhile getting started on this and 
presenting a proposal.  So I wrote up a brief proposal for HTML 5 
Authoring Guidelines and checked it into CVS.  At this stage, it's very 
rough draft and effectively just an outline of how it could be written.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Saturday, 24 November 2007 02:19:50 UTC