Author-readable descriptions of HTML5 attribute value syntaxes

I'm implementing enhanced attribute datatype error messages for For example, for the second error at
I'd like the UI to describe the format of language tags briefly and to  
link to the relevant RFC and to the IANA registry.

I need a brief author-readable syntax description for each attribute  
value microsyntax in HTML5 (including those included by reference like  
Media Queries). I'm prepared to write the needed text myself, but to  
avoid duplicate efforts I'd like to know if someone is already working  
on a suitably licensed tutorial that contains this content.

If you already have the text that I need or that could be easily  
edited into the text I need, please let me know.

(The descriptions need be licensed under a non-viral license that  
complies with the Debian Free Software Guidelines and is GPLv3- 
compatible in order to avoid trouble if/when the software  
gets packaged for Debian. The MIT license is preferred. The W3C  
*document* license is *not* suitable.)

Henri Sivonen

Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2007 11:31:59 UTC