Re: ins and del elements

Dmitry Turin wrote:

> Hell too.

Not really. Compared to the existing del and ins elements,
this is a workable solution. The current del and ins elements
have far too complex issues to make them a reliable solution
to "track changes" in a wysiwyg environment.

> I prefer tag's soup
>     <DEL><p>this is a paragraph</p>
>     <ul>
>       <li>list item level 1
>         <ul>
>           <li>list item</DEL> level 2</li>
>         </ul>
>       </li>
>       <li>another list item level 1</li>
>     </ul>

Tag soup will generate a useless tree. Anything more
constructive ?


Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2007 12:49:32 UTC