Re: ISSUE-4 (html-versioning): HTML Versioning and DOCTYPEs [HTML Principles/Requirements]

Le 6 nov. 2007 à 13:04, Marcin Hanclik a écrit :
> Version seems to be important for backward compatibility,

which practical cases of backward compatibility?
examples and test cases?

> profiling for feature management and definition of products.

Could you share a scenario where it is happening right now in a product?

> Profiling is one of the steps to define the intention of the  
> particular content that is based on large feature-set of the “full”  
> profile/content.

Again examples would be great, it would help to figure out and better  
define the issue.

Karl Dubost - W3C
Be Strict To Be Cool

Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2007 19:13:28 UTC