ISSUE-2, was: Feedback on the ping="" attribute


thanks for the pointer and the feedback; I have added a separate issue 
for tracking the discussion about the UI requirement.

BR, Julian

(Citing the full mail for Tracker)

Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> Ian Hickson wrote:
>> I agree that ping="" should be made visible to users. Indeed, the spec 
>> explicitly makes that a SHOULD, going far outside its usual boundary 
>> of not specifying user interface requirements.
> For what it's worth, this thread sparked some discussion at
> <>. 
> The current state of things seems to be that creating a UI for this that 
> would actually mean something to users without at the same time being 
> completely in your face isn't really all that feasible.  For example, 
> most users never look at the status bar when hovering over a link.
> There will likely end up being an extension or something that will flag 
> pings in the status bar for those who truly care, of course.  I would be 
> very surprised if no one creates one.
> As far as the default behavior goes, the current approach seems likely 
> to be to provide no UI indication, and possibly to only allow pings to 
> URIs that are same-host with the originating page (note same-host, and 
> not same-origin, though that might end up changing too, of course).  And 
> there would be preference UI to disable this behavior altogether, 
> naturally.
>> Actually we did consider UI at the time (I was involved in the 
>> discussions). I would be interested in hearing details about the idea 
>> I suggested above, namely of putting the domain names of the hosts to 
>> be pinged in brackets after the link's own URI in the status bar:
>> (tracked by
> That's one of the possibilities talked about in the thread above.
> -Boris

Received on Saturday, 3 November 2007 08:58:26 UTC