Re: LONGDESC: some current problems and a proposed solution added to the wiki

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> The method used to reveal the long description is up to the assistive technology.  

Thats true.

> It doesn't need to navigate away from the page as if following an ordinary link, it could reveal it in a separate context instead (e.g. a side bar or popup). 

It could but currently the user does have to navigate away from the page
they are in. Presenting the longdesc content in another pop-up is IMO an
inelegant solution also so I would suggest a discussion on what would be
the best way to present this information to the user in a manner that is
non disruptive. (Although this is a user agent issue it is still
important that for our side we have a clear idea of how it ideally
should be rendered.

I think if it could be retrieved by the UA and then automatically read
out, rather like @summary and the user could just move focus when they
have finished. No pop-ups, navigating to other pages etc.


Received on Saturday, 30 June 2007 12:08:06 UTC