Re: some thoughts on objections to publishing ""HTML 5 differences from HTML 4"

On Jun 29, 2007, at 1:22 PM, Steven Faulkner wrote:

>> But I don't see any suggested text for the proposed rationale.
> The rationale for dropping the headers,longdesc and summary attributes
> was presumably formulated by the WHAT WG when the decisions to drop
> these attributes was made. I would like to see the rationale formally
> recorded in the differences document, but if that is not possible,
> then at least I propose that
> in "1.1. Open Issues"
> add to current text
> The headers, longdesc and summary attributes.

These are included in "Details of accessibility and media- 
independence features." (The more general description would also  
include things like alt, whether there should be a nicer way to make  
an image with full markup fallback, etc). Do you think there's a need  
to go into more detail than that?


Received on Friday, 29 June 2007 21:02:54 UTC