Re: About dropping the style attribute

On 6/26/07, Jens Meiert <> wrote:
> > i still must insist that dropping the attribute form the HTML side
> > doesn't mean we won't have it on the javascript side as a property of
> > HTMLElement.
> That just doesn't suffice. How will you handle unique formatting, when desired? How should we expect ad partners to cooperate, not to speak of getting them aboard? How's scoped style sheets handling? What signal is it leading everything through by scripting?
> I'm no "style" attribute advocate, but it definitely makes sense under certain circumstances.
> --
> Jens Meiert

I see no special limit on ad serving other than some paranoid
advertisers that deliver their code with a style="border: 0", which in
this case we can still manually remove the attribute and handle it via
As for unique formatting, that's something we already do via #id, and
given the greater weight given to the rule it (sic) outweights
whatever is set, giving the desired 'unique formatting'.
IMHO, HTML5 should be the final step in educating authors and
authoring tools alike to separate content from presentation, several
tags and attibutes are being dropped in this spec, and dropping the
style attribute is the last signal to say "presentation doesn't belong

side note: may be we could add to UA render guidelines a directive on
not to add borders to images? I know no actual designer that doesn't
set " img { border: 0 } " on top of every CSS file he/she builds, and
it's part of every "reset template" out there even when the term
"reset template" wasn't even coined.

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2007 20:29:20 UTC