Re: fear of "invisible metadata"

Did you have any official stats about that ? First keep in mind that 
actually a big majority of people doesn't care at all about validation 
so i don't think that the empty alt just for validation is really more 
used that a correct used of the empty alt.
Ask to users if they prefers to have page with complete URL or files 
names every times the AT comes to an image or simply a page where this 
useless information is skipped.

In my mind, if the spec must change on the alt attribut is more to test 
that images in a link don't have an empty alt because in that case it 
make it totaly inaccessible.
> Yes, but the majority of cases in the wild @alt="" is not used because 
> the image is semantically devoid of meaning, but rather because the 
> author hasn't given any alternative.
> - Geoffrey Sneddon

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2007 18:12:55 UTC