<input type="rgb" value="110 120 130">

Good day.

I offer
  <input type="rgb" name="a" value="110 120 130">
which looks like painted circle (initial RGB-color is specified in @value)
with four hyphen-s with inserted color
(illustration is in
http://html6.by.ru/site/html60/en/author/inputrgb_eng.htm ,
on which four hyphen-s are black instead of inverted color).
  When user click on it, than
(1) rectangle appears,
filled by color, which is changing smothly, gradually
(2) there is mouse pointer on this rectangle
in position, corresponding to @value.
User change pointer by mouse and press button 'ok' on rectangle.

|                             |
|  ________________________   |
|  |                      |   |
|  |                      |   |
|  |    smoth, gradual    |   |
|  |       color          |   |
|  |                      |   |
|  |                      |   |
|  |                      |   |
|  |                      |   |
|  |----------------------|   |
|  _______      140   66      |
|  |     |      115  119      |
|  |     |      120  189      |
|  |-----|                    |
|                             |
|         OK  Cancel          |

  When user press 'submit' in form,
control sends three numbers to server,
each of which is in range from 0 to 255.

Dmitry Turin
HTML6     (6.3.0)  http://html6.by.ru
SQL4      (4.1.3)  http://sql40.chat.ru
Unicode2  (2.0.1)  http://unicode2.chat.ru
Computer2 (2.0.3)  http://computer20.chat.ru

Received on Friday, 27 July 2007 08:49:03 UTC