Re: (code, sample output and keyboard/device input <code>, <samp>, <kybd>) part of my review of 3.12 Phrase elements

On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:55:48 +0200, Robert Burns <> wrote:
> The <pre><code> example seems  like less than best practice. Why not  
> simply use <code style='white-space: pre;' >some code with line- 
> breaks</code> or even just <pre class='c-plusplus-code' >some c++ code  
> here</pre>. Either of those contain the same or more semantics without  
> adding another level to the hierarchy.

The former won't work when CSS is disabled (CSS is an optional language).  
The latter doesn't give you any semantics unless you define some  

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 20 July 2007 10:49:23 UTC