Re: [whatwg] Web forms 2, input type suggestions

2007/7/16, Martin Atkins:
> The uses I had in mind (and, I suspect, the original poster too) were
> systems where colour isn't *the main point* of the application, but
> where it is still necessary for some reason.
> My imagination here is largely limited to content management, blogging
> or other similar applications:

You can add configuration of webmails: in Thunderbird, you can choose
the color of citations (you can also choose the global text and
background colors). I don't know of any webmail that gives you this
kind of choice but there's no reason it couldn't be done.

Agendas also generally gives you some choice of coloring for your
events. For instance, Google Calendar let you choose a color for each
agenda you're subscribed to.

And of course, there are Web-based office applications, such as Google
Docs, but we're back to WYSIWYG text-editing as for the CMS and
blogging use-case.

Thomas Broyer

Received on Monday, 16 July 2007 08:05:03 UTC