On 7/6/07, Philip TAYLOR <Philip-and-LeKhanh@royal-tunbridge-wells.org>
> DOCTYPE defines the dialect of the language in which the
> document is written; without it, the document consists
> of an arbitrary mixture of angle-brackets, ampersands, semi-colons
> and prose : with it, the document is an instance of SGML which
> can be parsed and converted into a meaning and/or a rendering.
Actually, most web browsers will gladly render HTML without it, especially
if the server sends an appropriate Content-Type header.
http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-doctype (can't get to
the w3.org version ATM)
> @ shouldn't be encoded when it is separating the user and domain portion
> > of the URI. It should be encoded elsewhere (which is why my FTP login
> > on a certain server is ftp://username%40example.com@example.com)
> Could you cite chapter-and-verse on that, please ?
Jon Barnett