Re: Accesskey - spec proposal

At 20:19 +0900 UTC, on 2007-07-03, Michael(tm) Smith wrote:


> Access-key markup on mobile sites is already in wide use for
> mobile-specific sites in Japan at least. It works quite well and
> users depend on it. The way that it's handled is that if you mark
> up an element with an access key, a 0-9 numbered button or star or
> hash button is rendered inline next to the displayed content of
> element. By convention that has grown up around it, the elements
> with access keys are generally grouped at the bottom of each page,
> and the mappings/bindings are consistent across all pages at the
> site.

That sounds like it is used a lot for general site navigation (home, next,
previous, up, toc, search, help, etc.) I must say that rel is much more
appropriate for that. accesskey could then be used for a login form for

What I like about Chaals' proposal is that, although it mostly /speaks /of
accesskeys, it gives preference to rel. With rel, and standardised values for
it, users can get a UI that is *consistent across sites*. accesskey can only
provide consistency within a site.

Sander Tekelenburg
The Web Repair Initiative: <>

Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2007 18:36:49 UTC