Re: handling fallback content for still images

On Jul 3, 2007, at 11:01, Sander Tekelenburg wrote:

> At 10:02 +0300 UTC, on 2007-07-03, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> [... <video>, <audio>, and <canvas>]
>> FWIW, <picture> is significantly different because:
>>   1) Still images already work *natively* in browsers and WYSIWYGish
>> editors using <img> since way back when.
> That depends on your definition of "work". If you consider the alt and
> longdesc attributes, images still don't really work. Not for  
> authoring and
> not in UAs (and thus not for users).

*Still images* work. That is, you can get a still image rendered  
using <img>.

You are saying that the markup for still images isn't ideal when the  
user needs something other than a still image.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2007 08:11:40 UTC