Brainstorming - abbreviations

I know some folks oppose the xhtml 2 plan to get rid of <acronym>, but 
are two tags really necessary?

I think more useful would be an attribute to <abbr> that indicates to 
user agents whether the abbreviation is meant to be spoken as initials 
or as a word. There could be an additional optional attribute for some 
other pronunciation:

<abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium" type="initial">W3C</abbr>

<abbr title="Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers 
and Humans Apart" type="word">CAPCHA</abbr>

<abbr title="Structured Query Language" type="custom" 

Dan Connolly wrote:

> I'm sorta hoping the brainstorming exercise will show
> what WG participants are most interested in working on.

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2007 15:56:34 UTC