Video codec requirements changed

2007/12/11, Ian Hickson <>:
> I've temporarily removed the requirements on video codecs from the HTML5
> spec, since the current text isn't helping us come to a useful
> interoperable conclusion. When a codec is found that is mutually
> acceptable to all major parties I will update the spec to require that
> instead and then reply to all the pending feedback on video codecs.

I don't think it would solve any problem.

I don't want that requirement be removed from the spec because it's
really useful. I will *not* encode my videos in multiple codecs
because some dark company want some codec, another want another codec
and so on. This is useless. A common codec *is* useful. Without it,
<video> tag will seem useless to me.

 Sylvain Eliade
 Web Developer / Web Designer, first european social network

Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2007 17:15:33 UTC