{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2015-01-15: Action items, TF Reports, and Spring F2F

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on 
2015-01-15 for up to 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.


Chair of the meeting: Sam Ruby
Scribe: TBD

(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)

== Agenda ==

1. Open ACTION items

a) Triage and prioritize content for modules

b) Triage and prioritise DOM bugs based on incompatible tests

2. Task Force Reports

a) Accessibility Task Force

b) Media Task Force

c) Canvas Task Force

d) Editing Task Force

3. Other business

a) Spring F2F Update - PLH

b) Call for Review: HTML5 Image Description Extension (longdesc) 
Proposed Recommendation
Status: Review closes on Jan 16.

4. Chair and Scribe for next meeting

5. Adjournment

== Dial-in and IRC Details ==

Zakim teleconference bridge:
       +1.617.761.6200 code: HTML (4865)

Supplementary IRC chat (logged):
       #html-wg on irc.w3.org port 6665 or port 80

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 19:23:14 UTC