{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2014-06-19: WG decisions, open calls, publications, and registries

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on 2014-06-19 for up to 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.


Tokyo 01:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00, New Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.

Chair of the meeting: Paul Cotton

Scribe: TBD

(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)

== Agenda ==

1. ACTION items due by Thursday, June 19


2. Decisions this week

a)  WG Decision: return HTML 5.0 to Last Call, closed June 13


b) WG Decision: publish "Techniques for providing useful text alternatives" as an HTML-WG note, closed Jun 18

<to be provided>

3. Open Calls

a) CfV: Submit mutation observer tests for HTML5


4. Pending publications

a) WG Decision: transition of Polyglot Markup to Candidate Recommendation


Status: Pending transition request and Directors review meeting.

b) A11Y TF CfC: Call for Consensus (CfC): Publish heartbeat of "Using ARIA in HTML", closes Fri Jun 20


c) A11Y CfC: Call for consensus - longdesc to CR, closes Fri Jun 20


5. Other Business

a) MSE, EME and in-band track registries


b) Future meetings

The HTML WG will not meet on Thu Jul 3.

6. Scribe for next meeting

7. Adjournment

== Dial-in and IRC Details ==

Zakim teleconference bridge:

   +1.617.761.6200 code: HTML (4865)

Supplementary IRC chat (logged):

   #html-wg on irc.w3.org port 6665 or port 80

Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Thursday, 19 June 2014 01:33:48 UTC