{agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-10-08: AIs, Task Forces, TPAC/ECMA, Decision Policy

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on
2009-10-17 for 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.


Tokyo 01:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00, New
Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.

Chair of the meeting: Sam Ruby
Scribe: Philippe Le Hégaret

(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)

== Executive Summary ==

1. Review of due and overdue action items:
      a. ISSUE-56/ACTION-137 (urls-webarch) - Larry Masinter
      b. ISSUE-76/ACTION-139 (Microdata/RDFa) - Manu Sporny
      c. ISSUE-76/ACTION-147 (Microdata/RDFa) - Paul Cotton
      d. ISSUE-35/ACTION-138 (aria-processing) - Steve Faulkner
      e. ISSUE-55/ACTION-144 (head-profile) - Manu Sporney

2. Review of action items pending review:
      a. ACTION-127 (official WG response) - Paul Cotton

3. New issues this week:

4. Review of issues proposed to be closed:

5. Status of Call For Consensus emails
      a. CfC: Create Testing Task Force [Maciej Stachowiak]
      b. CfC: Create HTML Accessibility Task Force [Maciej Stachowiak]

6. Plans for TPAC/ECMA TC39 F2F meetings

7. HTML WG Decision Policy

8. Scribe for next meeting
9. Adjournment

== Details ==

0. Scribe for this meeting
1. Review of due and overdue action items:
      a. ISSUE-56/ACTION-137 (urls-webarch) - Larry Masinter

         I'd like to restrict discussion to two items: (a) *NEW*
         progress since last week, and (b) the feasibility of a
         one month deadline (per draft decision policy)

      b. ISSUE-76/ACTION-139 (Microdata/RDFa) - Manu Sporny

         My understanding is that RDFa is happy as a separate spec,
         please let me know if I got that wrong?  The remaining
         issue is splitting out Microdata, for which the current
         status is RESOLVED WONTFIX


         Potentially a good candidate for testing out the draft
         escalation process?

      c. ISSUE-76/ACTION-147 (Microdata/RDFa) - Paul Cotton

         I expect a status update from Paul.

      d. ISSUE-35/ACTION-138 (aria-processing) - Steve Faulkner

         I haven't seen any updates posted to the list, do we
         need a new target?  As with action 137, would a one
         month deadline be feasible?

      e. ISSUE-55/ACTION-144 (head-profile) - Manu Sporney

         I saw a draft-1, but discussion appears to have tapered off.
         Will there be a second draft?  One month deadline?

2. Review of action items pending review:
      a. ACTION-127 (official WG response) - Paul Cotton

         I expect a status update from Paul.

3. New issues this week:

4. Review of issues proposed to be closed:

5. Status of Call For Consensus emails
      a. CfC: Create Testing Task Force [Maciej Stachowiak]
      b. CfC: Create HTML Accessibility Task Force [Maciej Stachowiak]

      In both cases, I believe that we can declare consensus.  Now onto
      selection of facilitators and creation of mailing lists, etc.

6. Plans for TPAC/ECMA TC39 F2F meetings


      I encourage everybody to indicate whether or not they will be
      attending.  I'm OK with an "unconference" style approach, but
      we can discuss making this a bit more formal.  Time and content
      for joint meeting with ECMA also needs to be discussed -- my
      recollection was that TC39 originally suggested Wednesday morning,
      but that was vetoed by the W3C, Thursday morning was the fallback,
      but that also has issues.

7. HTML WG Decision Policy


8. Scribe for next meeting
9. Adjournment

== Dial-in and IRC Details ==

Zakim teleconference bridge
+1.617.761.6200, +, +44.117.370.6152
code: HTML (4865)

Supplementary IRC chat (logged)
#html-wg on irc.w3.org port 6665 or port 80

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2009 16:06:56 UTC