br element bidi test

This is the first of hopefully many tests authored by html5bidi, a group
formed under the auspices of the W3C's Israel office for the purpose of
writing tests for the bidirectional features added in HTML5 and CSS3.

It is a very simple test, and by submitting it separately, we primarily
want to make sure that it is in an acceptable format before we send a whole
bunch more.

Since the feature being tested is an aspect of rendering, and has no
scripting/API component, the test is in the self-describing ref-test format.

In terms of licensing, I am not sure what needs to be done. Some members of
the group, like myself, work for (various) W3C member companies, and some
work for the W3C itself, but some are not in either group.

In any case, the test is at,
with the ref at

Aharon Lanin

Received on Friday, 4 November 2011 02:04:09 UTC