RE: HME WG meeting minutes, Tue Aug 30

I don’t see any issue between the IDL test change and Edge.  It tells the harness that the tests aren’t over until an explicit done is executed.  That prevents a quick load event from confusing the test.  Apparently only Canary was setting the delay-the-load-event-flag to false on attachment, and that was causing an earlier load that tripped the failure condition.  Edge doesn’t support this flag currently and so on this test at least should be okay.  Correct?

Is there any reason we don’t update the interface.html to reflect the current editors draft?  That would eliminate the need for filtering on the IDL test at least.  I’m willing to bug that change and create a PR.


From: Matt Wolenetz []
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Philippe Le Hégaret <>
Cc: Jean-Yves Avenard <>; Paul Cotton <>;
Subject: Re: HME WG meeting minutes, Tue Aug 30

Also, the IDL failures have been fixed by @tidoust (who made an excellent find). The fix may expose issues in implementations which do not yet stop delaying the load event immediately on attachment (Edge?).

I'm working on addressing (which, IIUC, FF is failing or timing out against) as well as updating Chrome's results with a tip-of-tree build for each of with-isobmff and without-isobmff support today.


On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Philippe Le Hégaret <<>> wrote:

On 9/7/2016 11:27 PM, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
On 8 Sep 2016, at 5:03 AM, Philippe Le Hégaret <<>> wrote:

I regenerated test results and added a filter to eliminate VideoPlaybackQuality and TrackDefault related:

We get a lot of errors on the idlharness tests which I'll look at as well.

I’d love to know how you generate those reports, in particular the Firefox results one.
I used the online version of WPT

with /media-source/

using Firefox 51.0a1 (2016-09-08) (64-bit).

I obtained

Because with the exception of any tracks related methods and the VideoQuality::totalFrameDelay (which we will not add as we believe it serves no purpose); all tests are PASS here using firefox 51.
If you have the JSON file, I'm more than happy to replace mine with yours. It's my preference in fact and I didn't think of asking you, sorry.

It's highly possible I didn't set the proper flags when I ran the tests. Just make sure you get the latest commits from WPT (or use the online version).


Received on Thursday, 8 September 2016 22:54:45 UTC